Me and my wife usually stay at Marriott’s since We can get a free night from reward points after paying for several nights. The nicest hotel I have ever stayed in was probably a suite in the Fairmont Hotel up on Russian Hill in San Francisco, CA. Stayed in several of the deluxe resorts at WDW and they are very nice stays as well. Probably the craziest experience I have ever experienced at a hotel stay was in San Simeon, California on Pacific Coast Hwy 1. The hotel is The Morgan at San Simeon Hotel. We did not have reservations so We pulled in to see if We could stay. There was availability so We unloaded Our suitcases and put up stuff in room. The time of year We stayed there was off season for tourist so this part of California was deserted. The crazy part of stay was We were the ONLY guests staying at this hotel. Very strange! We went and ate at a little place real close by and there were a couple of people drinking at the bar but Me and my Wife were the only people eating in the restaurant. We get back to hotel and the lady running the front desk asked Me and my wife if We would like some milk and cookies. I politely said” No thank You” laugh

Last edited by Narrow Gap; 09/03/22 07:51 AM. Reason: Spelling

Duty, Honor, Country

Robert E. Lee