Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Dkhargroves
Originally Posted by cartervj
It seems they usually keep moving the predicted landfall area westward and then back close to its original path. Not alway but hats kinda what I recall thru the years

Because the dang GFS and euro models can never seem to agree

I dont even pay attention to what the GFS says anymore. In the last 4-5 years the GFS (American model) has become increasingly more and more inaccurate. The EURO model has been at least twice as accurate as the GFS over the last 10 yrs. Euro has predicted exactly what IAN is now doing and now projected to do, since it first started as a wave over a week ago now. What the heck has happened to American excellence? GFS projection from Friday/Saturday is going to miss landfall by 500 + miles. Euro is going to hit it spot on within about 50-75.

I am no weather expert I just know that I watch it constantly and they miss big and regularly. And this has been really since Obama took office. I'm not blaming it on him but around those years is probably when they started relying on more computer models and apparently our models aren't that good. I don't know what happened but they don't know with any certainty what is going to happen tomorrow the night before... apparently. Use to be a couple days in advance they were pretty accurate.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.