Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by BradB
If I got in a fight I could have a bat, antennae, wire and cane and would still get my butt kicked.Way to old and broke down for that stuff.

I would not be strong enough to break the antenna off the vehicle and they would get me while I was struggling with that. It's been 52 years since I was in a fight. I somehow missed out on the entire era of a an antenna being considered a weapon.

And I want some clarification on the circumstances that had to take place for it to be necessary to kill an eel with a switch? I always just took them off the hook like you would any fish, though pliers make it easier.

I started reading this thread while eating lunch and then kept on til the end. It's definitely got me questioning the quality of my life that I have spent this much time reading such a discussion.

I'm gonna cut a switch to keep in the boat.

Boredom has sucked you into this train wreck Mr. Steve 😂