Unfortunately with that ph the fertilizer is not going to be taken up much at all, if it was me i would get lime on it ASAP, you can use pelletized lime since the fields are small. Plant a basic 3way/5way/7way blend. If the fields start to yellow in december/january add a bag or two of 46-0-0 per small field, maybe 2-3 for the bigger field and that will hopefully green them back up for the season, but as far as actually benefitting the soil, you are wasting money until the ph is corrected, the soil simply will not absorb it at that ph.

Most people will recommend ammonium nitrate in december/january but it is actually acidic as well so it will hurt your ph even more. The 46-0-0 is a little slower reacting but is much less acidic.

Once the ph is corrected, then it is time to attack the P and K to get those corrected.

The N is not an actual soil measurement, it is simply a recommendation based on what you are planting, it leaches so fast they aren't actually measuring it, just giving you a recommendation. So you only need to get the p and k correct once the ph is correct.

At the end of the day its just a deer, but if you are going to spend the money, knowing some basic soil science will prevent you from wasting time and money.