Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by BradB
If I got in a fight I could have a bat, antennae, wire and cane and would still get my butt kicked.Way to old and broke down for that stuff.

And I want some clarification on the circumstances that had to take place for it to be necessary to kill an eel with a switch? I always just took them off the hook like you would any fish, though pliers make it easier.

I'm gonna cut a switch to keep in the boat.

When I was a little kid, 4 maybe, I went fishing with my dad and uncle one night. I caught an eel and it scared me to death, thought it was a snake! It had swallowed the hook. My dad broke a very small switch, held the eel up by the fishing line and switched it a few times and killed it.

It’s also easier to kill a snake with a switch than it is with a large stick. I’ve killed a bunch of them with a switch, even killed a copperhead with a piece of sereca lesepdeza.