Kinda out of the norm posting this here but I have a 9yr old daughter just starting softball pitching lessons and I am looking for an adult sized (13+) 1B softball glove or an adult sized (33+) catchers mitt because we have to furnish the catcher and that's ol dad. I have hit up all the people I know around home who had daughters that either pitched or caught and I've struck out all the way around so I am expanding my search area. Kind of an odd ball post but FB market place is coming up nothing along with CL. The local Play it again has nothing but new gloves and don't want to go the new route until I see she's going to stick with it. I am also looking for any softball gear (bats, gloves, gear, pitching machines...etc) that might be collecting dust or in your way as well. Feel free to send me a pm if you have anything that fits this. I have alot of stuff for trade including cash.
