Originally Posted by UA Hunter
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Here's the best thing about our deer season and it's limits.
You can decide to go hunting or not go hunting any time between the start and end date.
You can decide to shoot does or not.
You can decide to shoot any buck as long as it meets the legal description provided by the DCNR.
You can shoot any legal deer that you want, no matter where it came from, or where it's going, because these are free ranging animals that belong to every hunter with a license.
You can decide to be a part of the solution or a part of the problem by not recording or calling your harvest number per DCNR.
You can hunt any private or public land in any zone across the state if you choose to by leasing, and owning land or just driving to a WMA.

What did I miss?

Looks good to me.
Zero interest in giving up a single minute of my season so someone may have a slightly better chance of killing a bigger buck.

Thats how I feel about it