Originally Posted by gman
Guess its a good thing the ivermectin i took was from "old stock". thumbup

Youre just lucky that you won the life lottery, and didnt die from it. LOL. The CDC and NIH both said that Iver was a very dangerous drug and should not be taken for Covid under any circumstance, even though 5 "B"illion does had been administered worldwide over the last 50 yrs with virtually no significant side effects. When they publicly said that, while vehemently denying that there were any significant risks or vax side effects, I knew right then that the whole deal was nothing more than an orchestrated scam and a money and power grab. Had my suspicions all along, but that right there proved it for me. Glad you're still with us GMAN and happy you didnt die from the "horse dewormer". LOL. By the way, I bet it worked great and got you through Covid quickly and efficiently too, didnt it? Only difference was that it costed you a couple bucks versus putting a pile into big pharma's pocket.

Last edited by abolt300; 02/01/23 01:05 PM.