Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by crocker
So what is the cause yall goobers think? Global warming??

[Linked Image]

Take that chart back to the early 1600s and I'll bet you that trend line flattens right out to pretty much a flat line. Climate/temps are constantly changing, as a result of the earths distance to the sun not being a constant year over year. In the grand scene of things, man's existence has virtually zero impact on the climate. No matter what the libs, like Al Gore, Obama, the MSM, the squad and all the greenies that are getting rich off this scam say. We were supposedly headed for an ice age back in the late 80s (global cooling), then when that didnt work out, it became global warming, then that settled down and now, it is the catch all name of "climate change". Just a way to keep the money associated with it, flowing into peoples pockets. Here's a truth for you. The climate on earth has been changing ever since God spoke it into existence and it will continue to change until God determines that it no longer will. The significance of what man does between now and then, doesn't even register on the scale.

I believe the climate is getting warmer every year... but not because of the usual suspects. IMO, it's the fact that we continue to asphalt and concrete dirt across the earth. I live out from town and when I used to get in the city limits, the temperature reading would go up a degree or two. Saw a documentary a few months ago about the deforestation of a country in the Far East and they showed an aerial photo from 30 years ago compared to recent photo. It was staggering to see how much forest had disappeared and been replaced with buildings - most of which would also have some form of concrete/asphalt around it.