I'm off Monday mornings so I headed to the range this morning to see what the Win. youth 20ga NWTF gun could do. A Vortex Venom is my optic.

The first thing was to see which choke threw the best pattern. I had the factory full and a HSS Undertaker .582 extended tube. Set the paper up at 20 yards sent some low brass #8's down range. It was actually closer than I thought and would feel confident with either. However, the Undertaker had a more dense pattern with more pellets so it got the nod. Now for the shells.

I backed the target to 40 yards and had 8x8 square targets with the red dot for bull's eye. I counted all pellets in the square. I shot 8 different 3" shells. I was surprised at the results and also the variance. It's pays to pattern your gun. So here we go.

Shell #1: Hevishot #6 70 pellets
Shell #2: Federal TSS #7-9 132 pellets
Shell #3: Hevishot Triple beard #5,6,7 21 pellets
Shell #4: Federal Premium Turkey Load #6 26 pellets
Shell #5: Apex #7.5 51 pellets
Shell #6: LBXR #5 6 pellets (yes six)
Shell #7: Winchester Supreme #5 19 pellets
Shell#8: Hevishot Magblend #5,6,7 20 pellets
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So it appears my gun loves the TSS #7-9 the best. So the rest of these shells will be up for sale. Mainly so I can pay for the TSS shells! rofl

Last edited by bamaeyedoc; 03/20/23 03:30 PM.

AKA: “Dr. B”
Aldeer #121
Proud alum of AUM, UAB, and UA
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Glennis Jerome "Jerry" Harris
UGA Class of 1960
BS/MS Forestry