Originally Posted by Goatkiller

If you owe less than $100k TOTAL I would say you are not really in bad shape. You are in good shape.

Think on some extreme level you can obsess with debt until you are both debt free AND broke.

Right now is not the time to discuss retirement savings but I do see a lot of people who think paying off their home early is the key to financial success. It is NOT when you are doing this at the expense of saving for retirement.

You can't start saving for retirement at 50 years old. And you also need to be thinking along the lines of if I anticipated I would need $1million for retirement.... you are going to need $2 million by the time Biden is out of office.

That's my advice. I'd hold tight. Having $60k saved is nothing to get hyperactive about.

The OP is way ahead, he said he maxes out his Roth, has another IRA , a investment account and some $ from a former biz. Sounds like he's pretty solid at this point.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.