Originally Posted by dave260rem!
...To your church by you and showed up in my Jack's clothes(which I don't have) and a Maverick 88 security (the 8 shot one) how nervous would the sheeple that we all have in our lives be? I try and avoid gatherings of people inside places I'm unfamiliar with because hallways and pinch points are called bullet funnels and are good things to avoid. Yes this is all hypothetical I wouldn't show up with a shotgun but if I have clothes on I'll have my Maxpedition with me you know flashlight spare mags spare knife Bic lighter maybe a spare Dagger couple of mags on my person keys and cellphone. Cause Jesus is real but the ammo fairy isn't.

Dave you need help.

If you showed up at my church with all of the items you listed above, how would you expect to be treated? Multiple mags, multiple knives, multiple daggers…sounds like a weirdo looking for a place to commit a violent crime.

Oh everyone let’s welcome our new guest, Mr. Stranger. He’s right there in the back, he’s the one that is scared of crowds of people gathered inside, he doesn’t walk down hallways because they’re “bullet funnels”. He’s the one with a gun, multiple knives and multiple daggers. 🙄