Originally Posted by Happysappy
Originally Posted by Skinny
Budwieser is owned by InBev . The largest beverage company in the World. Its going to be impossible totally avoid all of their products. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AB_InBev_brands

True, but the point is driving Bud Light in the ground> That particular name brand is what is focusing on the trans. As will all woke company’s, their reach is far, It would be virtually impossible to boycott every brand of every company I disagree with something they do. I honestly believe that is most company’s strategy across their brands. Take one brand (aka..bud light) and dedicate it to a small section of the population. This basically placates the “trans” with that brand while the others stay out. That way the conglomerates are playing to every crowd and demographic. Kinda a smart strategy really. What’s a shame is the “trans” are an extremely small percentage of the population, yet they are the most vocal. Conservatives are by far the largest demographic, yet very few do little more than complain to our fellow conservatives. If every conservative stood up like the fags and trans, it would be an unstoppable force. The conglomerates would have no choice but to swing that way. Wishful thinking though…..

I agree if conservatives is replaced with middle of the road or libertarian

The entire political spectrum has shifted left. If Bill Clinton was President today he’d be right of center if you take his speeches to heart. That is the scary part. Everything culturally has shifted left.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan