[quote=Big Bore]

Time to sweeten the pot! The AR15’s haven’t moved like I thought they would. New offer. I will take $75.00 off the price of each AR15 or I will drop in a Rock River 2-stage match trigger. These go on sale for $99.00 from time to time and that is before tax and shipping. So take a look at the AR15’s again. Your choice on what gun.

Heading to gunbroker after this go round.

AR15. .300blk. Two tone fde/blk 16” ballistic advantage barrel, linear compensator, Magpul MOE stock, Hogue grip, cnt single stage trigger, guntec mlok handguard, punisher lower, aero components, ambidextrous charging handle. $1050.00. Brand new.

AR15 .223/556 black 16” ballistic advantage barrel, hogue grip, keymod handguard, linear compensator, cnt single stage trigger, Magpul MOE stock, punisher lower, Aero components, Ambidextrous charging handle. Brand new. I have 2 of these. $950 each.

AR15 .223/556 Two tone olive drab/blk 16” ballistic advantage barrel, linear compensator, aero components, cnt single stage trigger, Magpul MOE stock, punisher lower, Aero components, Ambidextrous charging handle. Brand new. $950

AR15 .223/556 black. Varmint Rifle. Remington 16” crowned barrel, Remington machined handguard. Magpul CTR stock, Hogue grip, Aero complete lower, 2 stage rock river varmint trigger, Ambidextrous Charging handle. $1050

Hunting brings out the worst in people.