Originally Posted by Irishguy
Not really sure what to make of the Prigozhin guy as of late. The thing about Russians is that everything they say is some kind of propaganda or an outright lie. SO you don't know how much if this is some kind of staged play. Still interesting nonetheless...

I've been wondering for some time if there was a chance that the Wagner group could switch sides, or if they could lead an all out Russian Civil War. This statement almost leads you to think it may be the latter.

[Linked Image]

Interesting dude to say the least. Went from selling hot dogs to running a government backed group of mercenaries. Between him and Putin, it’s hard to decide which one is worse, but Prigozhin has pretty much landed on his feet with the hands he’s been dealt over the past few months. Wagner has trained, battle hardened soldiers compared to what Russia’s been sending to the front, and if I were in charge of it I’d be pissed off seeing the same logistical mistakes being made by the Russian military and being blamed for losing. If the reports of Wagner being attacked by the Russian army and Wagner retaliating, this could get ugly pretty quickly. If only there’s a way that both could be annihilated.