Originally Posted by Beer Belly
Originally Posted by Irishguy
I remember when there were many people on this forum saying the entire war in Ukraine was all fake.

No body EVER said that the war was "fake". Everyone with any sense said that it was a money laundering situation & that NATOs continual encroachment, staging a coup in Ukraine in 2014, and continually killing of people that identify as Russian in the Donbas was as responsible for the invasion as is Putin. Russia does NOT want an easy path for another invasion force to enter their country. They lost ~20% of their young men (DEAD) in WWII when Germany invaded them and no telling how many more were injured. In WWII probably 1/2 their young men were killed or injured. They are a little paranoid to invasion from Europe, so they want neutral buffer countries between themselves and NATO.

This Wagner rebellion is 1 of 2 things:
1) Western propaganda
2) We bought out the Wagners with some of that $6 billion accounting error

Amazingly this all happens while Hunter is getting a slap on the wrist for a gun felony, bribes to the Bidens are being exposed, etc.

Yep all lies. Deep state ain’t gonna win in the end and that’s what it’s all about. Gonna come to a breaking point aka nuclear scare before the show is over. Get rid of the federal reserve pedophile evil sonofabitches and put everyone on a more even playing field backed by gold not fiat which at this point ain’t worth the paper it’s on. People tired of all this crooked shitt. Also the two tiered justice system is showing some that don’t already know what’s going on. U can’t have a republic or democracy with a system like that. Wanna take ur gas stoves make u Drive electric cars while telling u not to run ur ac or other appliances that u paid for because of the grid that u pay for. It’s all gonna crash on that front. Telling people in texas this again this summer. It’s all gonna flip but won’t be fun getting there.