Originally Posted by jwalker77

Dont hear much about that, huh? Same with all the mental issues wit the trannys. They dont seem to want to talk about that part and if it is talked about, its all my fault.

Truth be told we probably all do bear a little responsibility for what has occurred….or many of us do…….Every boy is not going to be masculine and every girl is not going to be feminine but instead of making it ok for them to be different than the norm, what did we do to them in school?.....We made fun of them and called them faggots and dikes and forced them to seek these other groups where they could fit in. We told them that’s what they were and labeled them starting in 5th or 6th grade probably…..maybe even before then.

Now were at a stage of it where these people are adults looking for validation from society and so they are the ones telling kids that its ok to be like them and presenting them with the allure of that place where they can fit in. They leave out all the parts about how unfilled and miserable they are and that’s why they’re really there to brainwash them…..Its completely a self serving endeavor to try and make themselves feel better about the path they took in life.

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