Originally Posted by Mdees
I believe most clinical analysis shows that the majority(around 75%) of lesbians display traits of BPD(borderline personality disorder). My ex worked her entire career within the social work/mental health fields and those are full of gays and lesbians as both providers and clients. Most gay men seem to just naturally have a little extra X on their Y chromosomes which is to say they were just born that way. Most lesbians, though, seem to have some early developmental trauma that led to BPD or similar. They are nuts. And they’re women so they aren’t as likely to be rational already. Multiply that times two in a lesbian relationship and you are bound to have regular cat fights. Practically all of the lesbians I know, which is probably about 20, are in therapy. But they prefer to get therapy from OTHER LESBIANS(licensed yes but still just as nucking futz as their clients.)

The spiritual diagnosis for borderline is jezebel spirit. I have run into multiple hetero women with BPD, and their underlying issue is not attaching to a nurturing parent early after childbirth. Then they grow up feeling like they are going to be abandoned. So they test who they are with.

Eventually the constant testing leads to what they fear the most, because they literally drive the person away with the testing. Marrying a woman with BPD in my exacerbates the issues, which seems counter intuitive, but that's been my experience.

Typically what you see is they go postal over some small minor issue , and nothing seems to calm the waters. Sometimes they leave. What they want is for you to cause after them, however that only makes the testing worse. Usually they will come around and seek you out again, and they will act like nothing happened. They will not see your side of what happened either. Sometimes it's hard to tell from narcissistic behavior. And expect to be heavily gaslighted.

My resting heart rate when married to mine was 115 bpm. That's how much stress I was under. You couldn't go on a vacation without it blowing up. Holidays, forget it.