Originally Posted by Young20
Since many won't bother to read the whole article, here's whats said at the end. "....As it turns out, the latest news from Toyota is a lot of huffing and puffing without much substance to it. The company is showing signs of changing course, albeit slowly....".

I noticed that blurb in there too. Hey, if their stuff turns out to do what they say it can do, that’s a step in the right direction. If the battery tech really does look like it can get a 10min or less recharge, as well as cost comparatively close to a new motor, that will be the game changer. Fossil fuels are still hands down the most efficient means of transportation and to overtake it, you have to be able to recharge as fast as you can put gas in your car (or at least close to that time frame). Also if this is true the US needs to start building nuke plants immediately. There is no other way to meet the grid needs that will arise from the EV technology if it begins to replace fossil fuels.