Originally Posted by Skullworks
Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by BCLC
Originally Posted by Skullworks
She paid $600.

That doesn’t equal the math in her story. She said he kept $100 to cover the cost of the form and she would have to get the rest from the processor that referred her, $200. $100 + $200 = $300 not $600.

My guess is she paid him $300 up front with the expectation of paying the balance when she picked it up, so she only paid $300 out of pocket.....he told her he was keeping $100 to cover the form he had to buy and she could get the $200 balance (from her original $300 deposit) from the processor that referred her

My same thought.

Ahhhh I see said the blind man.

We’re not dead. We just smell that way. Dayum. - AC870

Yessir! I’m always gonna shoot what makes me happy and I want everyone else to do the same! If you shoot one be proud of it and don’t worry what anyone else thinks. - SJ22