From what I recollect, the -3 has the endurance package, which is good. Easy enough to check and see if there's a transfer bar under the side plate. Looks to be a plain jane production 29, not a performance center or limited run. My first 29 was a nickel plated 8 3/8" similar to what was post. I don't own a 29 anymore, but own quite a few 629s (-4/-5/-6/-8). While S&Ws 44s tend to hold their value, this model doesn't look to have a replaceable front sight and the orange insert is missing. There is noticeable wear, but that can be remedied with a quality bluer. I typically will cruise gunbroker and see what used 29s are being sold for. Given the wear and knowing they probably paid a whole lot less for it than what the tag says, I'd be tempted to walk in with six (no more than seven) one hundred dollar bills and see if they'll deal.