Originally Posted by GomerPyle

I was in Vegas a couple of weeks ago for a trade show…..it was 115°+ each day and we had to walk 5 blocks from the hote to the convention center and back each day…in “business casual” clothes and carrying a backpack. We never broke a sweat during that walk. We walked 4-5 miles a night on the strip and it was anywhere from 95-100° even then, and even then the only slight little bit of sweat was around the inside edge of my cap.

The humidity was below 10% the entire time. It was hot, but it wasn’t uncomfortable and it was much easier to breathe than it was today in Tuscaloosa. I’d take that 115° and low humidity over this BS any day

Yep. Western heat ain’t crap. You can easily dehydrate though. Handling the heat itself is much easier.