Originally Posted by ImThere
Why is Desantis so mad?
Pence trying to live on Trumps achievements
Christie is a bitch
Swamy is funny
Haley believes in climate change
Scott is ok the rest are out.

We're all mad in the crowd I run in. DeSantis is doing well.
Pence is last on my list of who I will vote for. He should've just been happy to stay on the farm.
Christie is just a hair ahead of Pence.
Swamy is sharp and has a chance if he somehow gets the nomination, especially if he is running against Biden.
Heck, I believe in Climate change too. It has been changing as long as the Earth has been around. That doesn't mean that we should be so arrogant to think that we can control it. I like Haley and think she would do well on a ticket as Veep.
Same for Scott. Both can bring something to the table by their ethnicity/gender that can attract some middle ground voters.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.