Originally Posted by abolt300
What’s really disturbing is that every channel and potential voter panel this morning is saying Vivek was the clear winner last night. In todays instagram and tik tok environment, nobody thinks logically or looks to see what’s really behind that shiny new object they are looking at. My gut says he’s a snake in the grass. Way to polished and slick. After watching him for a few minutes, my first thought was, Vivek is Obama 2.0. He references God, but nobody seems to realize that he is a Hindu. His God is not our God and people are too stupid to research and figure it out. They simply check the box since he talks about God.

Precisely! He is a plant. Calling him Obama 2.0 is probably the best way to describe him. He hits all of those Obama formula points way to perfectly. I even remember folks being shunned when they questioned Obama's religion. Seeing the same thing with Vivek already.

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"You can be broke but you cant be poor." Ruthie-May Webster