Vivak is very pro 2A, he has first and knowledge of what can happen to a country when its citizens are not armed. He is also very pro freedom, I don't care if he is hindu or a vegan as long as he is not trying to affect my freedoms, which he has been very vocal about reducing government, and not limiting our American liberties.

I realize he received a scholarship from a soros funded organization, but calling him Obama 2.0 is clearly ignorant. Obama never held a private sector job, never built a company, never received a patent on a drug, never did anything except be groomed toward socialism. Vivak is the only person on that stage (Trump would be a 2nd, but wasn't there) that has actually been hugely successful outside of politics. There are podcasts out there that Vivak has been on from the past couple of years and he seems very genuine and seems to hate lots of the same things I hate.