I have a very low waterbar on my driveway. It's only a few inches high; just enough to keep the water from running down the middle of the driveway. It can be easily crossed in a sub-compact car and nobody ever had a problem with it. Until the FedEx driver came along in one of their trucks.

The poor guy must have never driven a truck before. All he had to do was keep moving when he came to the bar, but he eased up to it and stopped, then gave it gas and couldn't get the front wheels over it. It never occurred to him to back up and build just a little momentum to get over. I went out to try to help him but he was already turning around.

It was the worst display of driving skills I'd ever seen in person. I'll admit I've seen worse on some of the boat ramp videos.

FedEx apparently hired the guy and gave him no training at all on driving the truck.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.