Long today to with no recoveries…….Lots of shoulder hits. First one from last night turned out just like we thought…..The hunter brought another bolt with him this morning to compare and the 7-8 inches was really more like 5-6……Classic shoulder hit.

Second track was shot yesterday evening…..The hunter didn’t know where he hit and couldn’t find the arrow or any blood. Otis meticulously picked it out for about 400 yards before the scent petered out on him in a big hay field. Likely a high shoulder hit but not completely sure on this one.

Third track was the one referred to me in the Serious Deer Forum…..Another high shoulder hit with no blood….Found the broke off bolt on this one…..Jumped the deer at 400 yards…..I got a good look at him running off and he appeared to be just fine. It was good it worked out that way because he bedded down within about 100 yards of a major highway and there wouldn’t have been anything we could have done in that situation anyways.

Ya’ll drop that aiming point back a few inches……I need more more center mass shooters….. grin grin

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We dont rent pigs