Ewwwww......this one's a little ugly but hopefully things will work out.......Eight year old boy shot his first deer this evening at 5 PM with a crossbow using a slick trick fixed blade......Looks to be a nice 8 pt......This is a cropped out pic of a zoomed in still shot of a video so excuse the graininess but you can see where it was clipped back in the guts...Hits like this can take a while to die so we may have a live one on our hands in the morning.....His dad did the right thing though and they just picked up the bolt and walked to the truck so we have that in our favor..........We're not gonna go in until 8:30 just to give it time.....Hopefully the coyotes wont get after him tonight

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Last edited by CNC; 10/17/23 07:49 PM.

We dont rent pigs