Fishing was pretty tuff if you didn't find the bait and even then, it wasn't great. Fished second half of day on Thursday on Wheeler catching around 7-8 LM and a few dang drum on CB. Friday, I fished from daylight until wife texted me to pick her up around 10:30 on Wheeler where I had only caught 5-6 LM. I decided to pick her up and go to Wilson. We fished from around noon until sunset and caught 10-12 LM and a few more dang drum and a few white bass and hybrids. Saturday, fished from daylight until 9:30 in tailrace on Wilson with 50 other boats. I caught 4 SM, one drum and a skipjack. Went and got my wife and we returned to Wilson and did not go back to tailrace but fished mainly creeks and managed to catch at least 18 LM or so. All in all, I'm pleased with the trip. For a Coosa River guy it was fun to fish someplace different and always fun to catch a few small mouths. A few people were saying the fishing has been terrible and lack of generation hasn't helped. The small mouth bite hasn't happened yet according to the locals.

Last edited by BassCat; 10/30/23 08:04 PM.

If you claim to be a Christian then why do you act like the devil? You will be known by the fruit you bear!