Originally Posted by Skinny
Originally Posted by Fatherof2
If it’s as easy as printing more money, then why can’t the Ukrainian government just print more themselves. Let their inflation get out of hand…no opportunities for kickbacks that way. That’s the reality of the matter.

Its against US policy to allow any country that is used for money laundering to be in control of their own economy. That rule was established not long after WWII.

It should be illegal for the US to send a single red cent to any country that is used for money laundering. That would stop it cold. But then the US politicians that invented and perfected money laundering and fleecing the US population on a regular, annual basis, would not be able to get their cut of the pie. But we cant have that happening, now can we?

Last edited by abolt300; 11/06/23 01:08 PM.