Originally Posted by Sasquatch Lives
Originally Posted by Jakethesnake
I never thought much about the subject until I had a encounter and didn't even know it til a few years later when I heard The Sierra Sound recording by accident while bored at work. I use to die laughing at the bigfoot research people that came to Morgan County back around 2002. I thought it was crazy nonsense and couldn't believe people were serious about it. I did however believe it might be possible to have them in Russia, Alaska or somewhere so remote that just maybe they did exist. I never would have believed they're in Alabama. That has completely changed for me in 2017 or 2018.

A friend I've known my entire life and is a very respected person in his small town saw one in 1998 in New Market. He never told me until I had an encounter in 2015 in Bankhead. It sounded like they were arguing with each other. There were two of them. I heard them talking to each other about 35 yards away from me in a thicket. I heard them 3 times very loud and clear. This happened as I was walking down a trail sneaking along stalk hunting pigs. My instincts were telling me not to go down there but I didn't believe what my senses where telling me. This went on for an hour as I slowly walked further and further away from my truck. I had never felt like that before. It was a strong doom and gloom feeling. It got worse the further I continued. To the point everything inside me was screaming don't keep going. I just couldn't believe what I was feeling and just had to keep going to prove to myself that I was wrong. Well...I wasn't wrong, I heard them plain as day. I'm slowly walking through leaves and hear it over my foot steps. I immediately stop to listen and it continues for a second then stops. I walk, it starts again, I stop, it stops a few seconds after I stop. This happened 3 times.

Sounded like asian cavemen arguing. Kinda like the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character. I stood there listening and calling out and got no answer. I turned around and left. I marked the spot on my GPS and might go back this year.

Last summer my kid and I heard something walking on two feet in a swamp on Redstone Arsenal around 1am while we fished. It walked right up to us so close, we could hear water dripping off it. I swear to God on my kids life that I'm telling the truth about all these stories. I have absolutely no reason to bulldoodoo anyone.

I saw a video of some guys in california who recorded the same sounds. Creepy as hell, they confirmed the recording had not been doctored. A buddy said he heard what sounded like oriental children whispering one time way down in a thicket up near Bankhead somewhere after dark. He said he was way back in there and there were no little kids back there. Skared the hell out of him.

I looked up bigfoot sightings in bankhead and low and behold the only sightings are exactly where I heard the talking. About 3 miles away I'd say. And that's where the closest house is. What's the chances of that. There's also some bigfoot groups on Facebook and I've seen a few people talking about having encounters there in the Sipsey. I was just a few miles from Gum Pond. A little west of Gum Pond. One guy in the group say's he knows the ones I ran into. He showed me video of orbs flying around in there. Says it's two young males that usually scare people pretty good. He says there a family of them that live in the Sipsey. I had a deer rifle on me. Maybe they knew I wasn't playing. I will never forget that day. I wrote it down on a map. I need to go back one day and look around but for some odd reason, I just figured I'd better leave it alone.