Originally Posted by Skinny
Originally Posted by bowhunter86
Originally Posted by Skinny
The archaeology of that region has been politicized since the early 1900's. Everytime there is a finding of any kind of significance it is used by the various interest groups to bolster their claims. Every country and religion and political organization do it and it annoys the piss out of archaeologists unless you are the archaeologist collecting the pay check. Dang Joseph's grave has been found at least a half dozen times. Evidence of Hebrew writing has been found on Sumerian tablets under pyramids in Egypt, that was later found out to be fraud. The Shroud of Turin is only about 400 years old and is a fake done by the Catholic church.
The Palestinians also know that an archaeological excavation can take years or decades just to find nothing significant to anybodies' cause so its a good stall tactic.

You have any evidence to back any of these claims beyond, “I’m an archeologist”? It’s apparent through the history of your post since the time I’ve been on this site that you have a resentment against any biblical archeology. The shroud is not a catholic relic… it wasn’t even under catholic control until very recently. All scientific evidence I’ve seen in no way points to it being new, or a forgery. Archeology is extremely interesting and I respect all in the field, but don’t make false claims under the guise of, I’m an archeologist… so my word is gospel.

I'm not against Biblical Archaeology at all, its a nice magazine. The majority it is directed at proving a hypothesis instead of refuting a hypothesis. So by standard, it does not follow the scientific method.
And the shroud is indeed a forgery. The C-14 evidence, the phytolith analysis, the neutron activation analysis, metallurgical analysis, XRF, and DNA analysis all are in agreement that it is a forgery. C-14 says it is 400-450 yrs old, phytolith anlaysis says the shroud is from central Italy, neutron activation says the various paints are from Italy, Spain, and France. Metallurgical analysis says the stuff that looks like blood are iron and lead based paint, XRF analysis says there is a good bit of chromium and cyanide in the paints, and DNA says that the stuff that looks like human blood is not blood at all but rather metal based paint, and the shroud is made of flax which is linen.

I read an article that agrees with the 4400-500 year old data on the shroud but where the article deviates is that the samples tested were from a patch to repair the shroud from fire damage which does actually fit that time frame

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be