Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by Backwoods cowboy
So people would believe them. What's the difference in posting a picture, and posting you have a picture?

So, what youre saying is tha if i posted a picture of a big cat i got on a game camera, people on here would believe me? I reckon since youre pretty new around here, i wont call you dumb. But do this for me. Go back and find me one picture of a big cat on here where anyone ever believed them. One picture, one time. I bet you cant do it. If i posted a picture of a big cat on here, 27 people would say its a house cat, 32 people would say its a bobcat( even though it has a 3ft tail), 18 people would say the picture is in wyoming, 22 people would say im a liar, 14 people would say its a bad picture of a coyote but i promise you nobody would ever believe me. So, again, why would anybody ever post a picture of a big cat on here? And to answer your question, its exactly the same, nobody believes it either way.


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