Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by Lonster
Originally Posted by Okatuppa
After reading all this, I now understand how the show “Finding Bigfoot” was able to have more than one episode.

Ain’t that the truth! Like grown men believing in the tooth fairy. Just goes to show you the types of folks that live among us.

By the way, what is the evidence that they arent here? Oh yeah, because you never saw one. Thats all thats left.

Actually, there are no pics being floated around of a cougar, no dead cat pics, no kill sites photographed and published etc.... A lot more to say they are not there than what says they are there. I'm not saying they're not there BUT, there's absolutely no proof been shown publically and verified.
I was just in Idaho, people say there are wolves there but I never saw one, I did see the aftermath of a kill site and a few sets of tracks. There's meat to the claim. We don't have wolves here where I'm at in Oregon but, a guy has a pack of wolf/dog crosses that roam around and sure get the wolf talk going. They're big ass dogs too.