Not seeing many pic - wonder if yall seeing same as me! Hunted spot w almost no pressure on it today - only hunted cause yesterday it finally said no light and variable - gave steady wind - check direction today - still good. I be dang if it did not switch - snorted several times. Next 2 weeks show many light n variable - last 2 weeks show the same. What n the world is going on? I hunted for 45 years and hunted the wind for at least 35 of those. This year i probably seen more light and variable than i hav the last 15 years (excluding last year - was up some last year but not freaking like this). Buddy son killed real good one tonite - i said how the heck did u do that w this swirling wind. He laughed and said Sent proof box! This blows large dongs! Just gone quit hunting w this crap and it does not look like variable wind gone stop anytime soon!!!! Rainy days dont show it

Cant get into hunting - cause cant go. Last time i hunted this spot first day muzzy - freaky swirl - fool me then too

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
We need prayer for our country now more than ever