Just saw this thread and it reminded me of a photo my grandfather had from years ago. Sadly, he was the only one to survive this encounter although it was only briefly. He is the one on the immediate right of Big Foot. Apparently, they had come across the Sasquatch while doing some surveying work and actually befriended him. All was going well until the flash from the camera for this photo set the beast off. He began his attack and my grandfather was severely wounded and luckily left for dead by Big Foot.

He managed to crawl away once the beast left and my family developed this photo from his camera about 2 weeks after he died from his injuries. He never told them where he had been surveying and the other bodies were never recovered. My family has kept this photo to themselves and passed it and the story down through the generations.

Thought it might be safe to share now, especially with all the doubters out there. Obviously, this evidence should settle the issue of Big Foot's existence once and for all.

[Linked Image]

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