Originally Posted by Irishguy
I lift regularly and have for sometime, but there has been gaps.

I recently went from 220# and 22% body fat to 210# and 13% body fat. Currently at 205# and 14% body fat, thanks to fixing up our house, selling our house, moving our house and the holidays.

I think the best way is to have a simple plan to start with that doesn't overtax your body. If you try to do too much at first you will end up burning out and quit. Think of weight training, bodybuilding and getting into shape as if you are carving a statue out of oak with dental pick instead of a chainsaw. Getting in shape is not a drag race it's a marathon. Slow and steady wins the race.

Make a spread sheet with your work out plans for each week on an 6, 8 or 10 week schedule. Record what you are doing. Progress your weights each week. See what works and what doesn't work. If I was you and I was just starting I would do it this way:

I would to a full body workout 2x per week:

Day A Tuesday?

Squat 3 x 10
Bench 3 x10
Bent over row 3 x10
Standing shoulder fly 2 x12
Tricep press 2 x12
Bicep Curl 2 x12
Calf raise 2 x 20
Crunches 2 x 20

Day B Saturday?

Deadlift 3 x 10
incline press 3 x10
Pulldowns 3 x10
Cable shoulder fly 2 x12
Cable Tricep press 2 x12
Cable Bicep Curl 2 x12
Calf raise 2 x 20
Russian twists 2 x 20

The rest of the days of the week I would start walking just a mile a day until you work up to 3 miles a day on those 4 walking days. (Take Sundays off) Once you are up to walking 3 miles a day 4 days a week, to increase resistance, start walking with a backpack or a plate carrier vest to add a little weight each week to increase resistance.

if you do that simple plan for 1 year increasing resistance each week along with a healthy eating plan including increased lean proteins you and your friends will be amazed at the progress you will make.

I like it, I think I'll try the Irish Plan grin

Originally Posted by Patricia Heaton
If you’re a common sense person, you probably don’t feel you have a home in this world right now. If you’re a Christian, you know you were never meant to.