For a beginner..Golden 5..5x5 routine
Pull ups
Bench press
Shoulder press
At 5 sets for 5-8 reps an exercise starting out
This is probly the simplest old school method for good easy results
..find a buddy to spot and do a good 3 rep max out then id start my sets on a 30-40% scale down from your max.
Id also recommend a tdee calculator to find your macronutrients ad put yourself in about a 500 calorie deficit starting out..
Cardio is good for you..but dont over do it or you will effect your overall recovery..I recommend a brisk 3mph walk on the treadmill for 35-45 min
Your diet is the most important thing so you really need to re evaluate your eating situation and get 8 hours of sleep every night and drink plenty of water..when im goin hard at it i try to maintain 100oz a day. Im out of routine bad cause this baby has flipped me an my wife’s schedule upside down but i love it…consistency is the key to any exercise regiment… and rest. You can move on to more advanced plans someday..but what i gave you above..has turned men into monsters..i know thats not what you want..but if you will commit and eat right you can change your life…

"I dont quit.. And ill fight alone if i have to"