I was tureky hunting with Tracker's brother Mark, and we parked the truck and had to walk down a road to get to the property to get to where we were going to hunt. The road was an easement through some other property. Well about halfway down the road I see two guys in camo standing on the side of the road. Mark did not see them. About the time we got up to them one of the guys said good morning. Mark had still not seen them and he jumped about two feet off the ground and took off running. When I finally caught up with him he was in the middle of the road all out of breath. He just kept saying where did he come from.? He had not even seen the second man.

We hunted that morning and we saw the guys later that day and they were apologizing for scaring him. We talked for a while and had a good laugh about it. I still give him grief about it every now and again.

�Because a well regulated Militia is necessary to
the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms shall not be infringed.�

-Justice Scalia, June 26, 2008

NRA Life Member