Kind of a long story, but - a guy that I hunted with was much like Shaw described with the pictures and knowing every single deer on the property (he was actually a VERY good guy though). It seemed that every trail we had on the property had one or two of his cameras.

My best friend had a lifelike bigfoot costume that he paid a small fortune for and we decided that it was time to take some pictures. I grabbed a lower front leg from the gut pile and off we went to one of the trails that had his cameras. I had my buddy walk 2-3 times in front of the camera(s) on this one trail leading to the swamp swinging the leg.

A couple of weeks later we are all hanging out at the skinning rack one evening after hunting when the guy mentions, "you know......., do you guys believe in bigfoot? Cause - this swamp would be a perfect place for them to live."
We (the other three of us - were all in on the bigfoot pictures) all said, "No probably not."
He kept pushing that anything is possible and there is a reason they call them swamp apes and he wouldn't be surprised if they weren't for real.
All of us kept a perfectly straight face and when he pulled away about busted a gut laughing. We all expected to see the cast from "Finding Bigfoot" snooping around the property with Bobo doing his "bigfoot call".

Same bigfoot costume different club. The club president was also a game camera guy and I happened upon one of his cameras on a food plot early turkey season. We grabbed the costume and walked a few times in front of the camera the evening before going hunting the next morning. After the hunt - we went back (with the costume on) and sat in a lawnchair, with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

We got a lot of laughs out of that costume, it was unfortunately lost when my buddy's house burnt down.

"The struggle you're in today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow."