years ago on Corona lake in california deep in cougar country. I was fishing a flat bottom boat at night in the desert. Well I shined my flashlight across the water and at the base of the mountain was two sets of Cougar eyes looking back at me waiting on me. well being in Cougar country at night and having two Cougars waiting on you at the bank when you don't have a gun is not good. Well I thought about and came up with a plan that I was gonna use my new lazer pointer and burn their eyeballs out so that they would be blind when I got there. So I aimed my Laser at the first Cougar's eyes with percision and could almost hear it sizzle till I burn't the cornea out. My weak flashlight wasn't strong enough to see nothing but the equally spaced eyes reflecting back so I repeated this several times burning each Cougars eyes out of their head until I was sure I there was only blind Cougars left with sizzling cornea's. As i paddled closer my fear became reality when I noticed the whole time it was a group of people on a pontoon boat. I got out of there quick and not a word was said from the pontoon.