I hope it does grow back next season, would be nice. So of my 135 acre lease 75% is the 2 yr old clear cut, 25% is about a 15 yr old clear cut that was replanted to a degree but otherwise has grown up and is pretty much impossible to go into without alarming every animal in the area. The other 25% is a clear cut that was replanted maybe 4-5 yrs ago. On the other side of the lease is 300 acres that was just cut this August and now has “if it’s brown it’s down” hunters on it. When they sprayed it killed everything except for the pines and the holly trees. The deer population has significantly dropped since the first yr of being cut, so all I can do is wait and see what happens. I bought a saddle and and got into a few trees in between the clear cuts and saw a few deer but things just seem out of the ordinary.

Elite Omnia, Easton FMJ, Axcel Landslyde 5 pin slider.