Originally Posted by RidgeRanger
Problem is, it's tougher to even get in on a lease (club) now. It used to be that many clubs were begging for members each year and finding one was much easier than it is now. Obviously, like everything else, it has also gotten much more expensive than in years past.

I think thereā€™s right and wrong in his rant. I know personally that although lease costs have increased the cost of everything else is whatā€™s pricing people out. Thereā€™s just not as much play money as there used to be and folks are getting outbid by people who donā€™t really care how much it costs. But make no doubt, thereā€™s a whole lot of leases and clubs that used to be attainable by regular folks that are now occupied by the Sitka wearing flat bill people who are hunting just for likes and shares