Originally Posted by ALMODUX
Originally Posted by FreeStateHunter
Don’t get frustrated OP. It’s a southern thing. Southerners want to act like we’re all hospitable and everything but we show our true colors when it comes to hunting. Don’t trust nobody, don’t help nobody, always complaining and judging others. It’s unfortunate but that’s how the majority of folks are down here, don’t believe me? Just re-read the comments above.

There’s a REASON southerners CANNOT trust people anymore: because the REST of society/the country went t hell with thieves, idiots, degenerates, and inconsiderates, that have infected everything and abused every trust or hospitality ever shown them. Blame them and timber companies for hunting land policies in the south. Don’t sit there and trash southerners when you don’t know how it USED to be, or why it’s not anymore.

Kid, take a breath. I was born in and lived in the south my entire life, I know exactly what I’m talking about. Obviously that triggered you and I think you need to really understand that. I intended it to be half self deprecating humor and half true. It’s not trashing anyone if it’s true. The civil war ended a long time ago, there’s no groups of people targeting southerners to take advantage of their hospitality. The thieves, idiots, degenerates and inconsiderates are our own people whether we like it or not.