Originally Posted by RandanAL
Originally Posted by just_an_illusion
Originally Posted by jwalker77
That weather we had today. I saw zero. Hard to get worse than zero

Same here. First day this week that I haven't seen a single deer.
There's a game camera study that was done in Alabama - they talk about it on the Southern Outdoorsman podcast. Showed that basically 40 degrees at daybreak warming to mid 50s high is ideal deer movement weather (in mid-north AL). Big drop in movement as you move below freezing or above 65ish.

My observation for many years ( bout 50), of chasing them in Jackson county is best movement temps in winter is high 20's to 32 at daylight , warming to the low 40's midday with partly cloudy to sunny skies with light wind. Basically a cool , crisp day all animals and even humans like to be moving in the woods.

Tomorrow in NA should be a great day for movement after this deep freeze. The first day after last year's deep freeze it got up to about 40 , with some sun was a blood bath .

Last edited by 2Dogs; 01/21/24 09:44 AM.

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