I've said it before but it's still true; I've seen countless lives ruined by alcohol, alone. I've never seen anyone ruin their lives on weed, alone. Anything you let consume your thoughts and actions will destroy productivity but alcohol will destroy everything including your health if you don't have complete self control. The weakest men I've ever known were all slaves to alcohol but since society accepts alcohol abuse as normal the alcoholics point at the potheads as the example to avoid. I once drank as heavily as anyone and was never a big pot smoker but I still have friends who have done both and still do. We'd all be better off without either one but if I were forced to do one or the other I'd choose marijuana knowing it would not affect my health nearly the way alcohol will. It seems no one wants to live in perpetual reality so most look for a way to escape and alcohol is the overwhelming crutch of choice with weed coming in a distant second.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"