Originally Posted by fingers
Depends on the quality of weed. In my younger day I would get pretty bad headaches and I would go to my source and get a hit (one puff). Sometimes one hit would do the trick and sometimes it might take two. I can't ever remember getting stoned off one hit. I wish marijuana would get legalized, I would be the first in line. I don't drink alcohol anymore and have no desire to. I got in a lot of trouble when I drank. Never caused a single problem when I did get stoned. Crucify me if you wish.

Just go down to the local CBD store and pick up some Delta 8 or 9 or A or whatever the last thing is. It's as good as stuff was 25 years ago and must be legal. So I was told by a friend.

"In time of war, send me all the Alabamians you can get, but in time of peace, for Lord's sake, send them to somebody else." General Edward H. Plummer

"Blessed are those who, in the face of death, think only about the front sight." Jeff Cooper