Originally Posted by trlrdrdave
Originally Posted by fingers
Depends on the quality of weed. In my younger day I would get pretty bad headaches and I would go to my source and get a hit (one puff). Sometimes one hit would do the trick and sometimes it might take two. I can't ever remember getting stoned off one hit. I wish marijuana would get legalized, I would be the first in line. I don't drink alcohol anymore and have no desire to. I got in a lot of trouble when I drank. Never caused a single problem when I did get stoned. Crucify me if you wish.

Just go down to the local CBD store and pick up some Delta 8 or 9 or A or whatever the last thing is. It's as good as stuff was 25 years ago and must be legal. So I was told by a friend.

You'll go to jail for CBD in Georgia...not sure about Alabama though.