Originally Posted by JustHunt
My gosh man. CNC I agree with you on some things but quit trying to reinvent the wheel. Leave the season dates alone. You wanna push for an ending on January 31 for the northern part then that’s fine but all the early season bow hunting sucks. Along with the break in gun season. Put an end to the season long slaughter of does sitting by a corn pile if you wanna make changes. The season length is fine. I’m only allowed three bucks so it doesn’t matter how long it lasts. The season long corn piles that get all your does killed matter more than any date change.

You don’t have to hunt the early bow season if you don’t want to but there’s plenty of folks who would be all for it and it wont hurt a thing…..plus it simplifies it for us all to start and end on the same dates……

As far as the Jan 31st end date for north Alabama…….How do you suggest we go about making that change?.....Are you just gonna take away 10 days from Zone A hunters? I have a feeling a lot of folks will cry foul when you tell them you’re gonna shorten their season while allowing Zone B to stay the way it is….. Corn is likely not going anywhere so you can probably throw that option out the window.

We dont rent pigs