Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Mbrock
All y’all proposing no bow season can hush. 😂

When it comes to any proposal to shorten or change the seasons in Alabama, I honestly think that part of the problem is that only a very small percentage of Alabama hunters have ever hunted in a state, where the deer herd is actually tightly and actively managed, and everything is fully enforced, be it KY, IL, TX, KS, IA, MO. I wish everyone in AL could hunt a prime week in any of those states, seeing what can be accomplished, with shorter seasons, tighter regs, better age structure, and better management by the powers that be. Having not experienced it first hand, people simply do not know what it is like and what is possible. It will honestly change the way you think about deer hunting. I honestly think if everyone had the opportunity to see and understand what it's like in person, it would have everyone in the state begging the DCNR to do something. Bama is certainly not the midwest by any means, but the hunting here has the potential to be 2 to 3 times as good as it currently is and better than it ever was, if just a few changes were made. But those changes will never be made with the current attitude of "I want to deer hunt for 4 months and be able kill any deer and as many as I see".

It's hard to get someone to buy into something that they've never experienced for themselves, and have no clue how much is being left of the table. First trips to IL and MO were both truly eye-opening experiences. Honestly when you come back, you're just not that excited to be hunting the entire rest of the season in Bama.

1000%. I grew up in and still hunt Texas. These last few years or so I have been fortunate to hunt Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, Texas and Oklahoma. It’s something that every Southeast hunter should do at least once in their life.